Thursday, April 4, 2013

News articles about Bitcoin

I find myself googling daily for news articles on Bitcoin, usually in the evening when there's nothing interesting on television.

The problem is that most articles tick one or more of the following annoying habits:

  • Reporters who puts the something similar to the following sentences in the first paragraph: "Bitcoin is a decetralized peer-to-peer cryptocurrency" and then proceed through various clueless statements to indicate that they have no idea what Bitcoin is really about.
  • Articles with the sentence, "They can be used to buy anything from socks to drugs" in them. No doubt in a year's time it will be "They can be used to buy anything from socks to drugs, to even houses and sports cars."
  • Stories that focus entirely on the fact that "Bitcoin has risen spectacularly to $xxx" or "Bitcoin has suffered a crushing collapse back to $yyy." You can almost guarantee that by the time you see the story the opposite has since happened.
  • Those "Ho ho ho, I have no idea what these things are, and I have no interest in finding out given that I barely managed to scrape together a degree in the Liberal Arts and they seem to involve mathematics and computers, but my editor has given me 200 bucks to try them out, so here goes..." stories.
  • Articles that claim that the current boom in Bitcoin is entirely due to the threatened bank account tax in Cypress that never materialised.
No doubt more will be added to the list as time goes on.

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